
Meet the Commitee

The SPCCC Management Committee, comprised of volunteer parents and guardians elected annually, serves as the legal authority, governing our incorporated association under the NT Associations Act 2003, and providing strategic leadership to ensure our centre remains community-focused and child-centered.

Kara Hogan President
Emily McGrath Vice President
Sheree Jeeves Secretary
Manisha Patodia Treasurer
Emma Farnell Public Officer
Kirsten Tillyard General Member(Center Director)
Emily Nagy General Member
Juliet Barsden General Member
Natalie Calder General Member
Jane Bochmann General Member
Mandeep Kaur General Member (Staff Representative)

 Like all child care services in Australia, we are governed by the National Quality Standard which sets a high national benchmark for  Early Childhood education and care.

The overall rating of Stuart Park Child Care is:"Meeting"
The current rating level for each quality area ratated in the National Quality Standard is:
  • QA 1 Educational Program and Practice Meeting
  • QA 2 Childrens health and Saftey Meeting
  • QA 3 Physical Enviroment Meeting
  • QA 4 Staffing Arrangements Exceeding
  • QA 5 Relationships with children Meeting
  • QA 6 Collaborative Partnerships with Families and communities Meeting
  • QA 7 Leadership and service Management Meeting